Berks County Courts–Enter at Your Own Risk

Daddy Justice gets railroaded in Berks County, PA by a judge who started a women’s center, and a sheriff and his fellow bullies with badges.

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9 Responses to Berks County Courts–Enter at Your Own Risk

  1. Mommy Justice says:

    We definitely need to talk. I’ve experienced Berks Corruption first hand, different side of the street though. I’m working with Families United for Family Prevention to help my kids. My abuser got custody of the kids. I’ve been pretty much treated like you have been. I moved out of state…..the set ups continue, but I refuse to step foot in that court, mostly because I’m afraid of being jailed. If I’m in jail, I can’t fight to help my kids. This weekend, my kids were beaten—again. CYS says that they can’t do anything. They told me to get a PFA and I asked for documentation. CYS says no. Then they told me that they can’t do anything to stop the abuse–which is physical and sexual in nature because my ex has custody. They tell me that they want me to go back and fight for custody. I know what will happen–it will be rigged, and I’ll experience this stuff. They refuse to accept this and that–records are altered, police reports doctored etc. Friends and family that have tried to help have been harrassed…. I could go on and on. I’m sorry for what you are experiencing. Stand strong….

  2. Brenda says:

    Hi, I have recently received a slip shoddy custody decision from Berks County Custody judge awarding my ex husband custody of our 4 year old daughter. His primary custody to begin in the fall of 2013. I believe in my case my ex paid a bribe because his attorney had connections with the judges. I plan to submit my case before the Justice department. I am surfing the web to find more cases like mine so that I could possibly submit it along with mine as well. Please get back to me. Very Truly, Brenda and

  3. Rob Fletcher says:

    Welcome to Admiralty Court. Sorry you cant get justice

  4. Stephanie Adams says:

    I came to Pa from West Virginia. I was originally from Pa however, but upon arrival my van broke down and left my 4 kids and I stranded. My van got towed. I was able to get a hotel but not long after BCCYS came knocking and shortly after took custody of my youngest of 4, and only son before he turned 1. Theres was no abuse, no neglect, and had what we needed. There was no evidence of drugs, nothing negative. All except that I lost what I had being stuck here and with no help. Since then, my daughter’s were taken as well. Only because they were staying with me and CYS found and has the power to do so. Afterall, they are a “government agency.” They say I wont get my kids back unless I move to their county and do services i shouldn’t have to do n their jurisdiction. I haven’t even been heard in court and now it is what it is to them, oh well. We have them now and you have to jump through hoops when they shouldn’t been taken from me in the 1st place. I understand they make 50 mil.a year to foster?! And my babies are gorgeous! It is extremely corrupt for them to take children from families unnecessarily and wont do a damn thing to actually stop real abuse! What can we do? I want my babies out of Berks County! Also, never imformed their father of my son getting taken. Keeps finding ways to have him incarcerated and is taking his rights when he hasn’t even seen his day in court. What’s the reason? Please help!

    • admin says:

      I am saddened for your children and you. I don’t know how I could help because the enemy you face is so strong and powerful. It requires all out forces to take on and I do not have the resources any longer. There is a group in Berks that specializes in CY cases for parents. IO forget the name but they are on the net and should be easy to find for you. Tell them I suggested you call and let me know if they are able to help. Stay well.

  5. Arthur G Hahn says:

    judge jeffrie Sprecker along with james smith an dave krosset conspired to create an order that was ruled on by supior court to change there orginal order an poceed to take $18000.00 dollars from my accounts the judge has overriddin all pa laws i would like to talk with some one i have all transcripts an all documentation on this matter remember this is the judge that has written the book justice or just this how many people has he ruined by his corruption??????

  6. Tiffany mondragon says:

    Tiffany Mondragon from Reading, PA writes:
    I did nothing to get CPS in our lives. My ex husband was talking to a minor on Facebook, he is still going through the court system and has not been proven guilty yet; except by CPS. This is my same ex husband who barely sees my daughter and do not have much contact with my child. Now because I don’t agree with CPS and their methodst, they continue to threaten and harass me. We went to court and it was continued. Since then, CPS want me to go to counseling because they can’t trust me. Their caseworker has cleared my home, I have nothing on my background check, I have served in the military for almost 20 yrs now, I have a great career at the local post office, andI have a BA from Penn State.
    My relationship with my daughter is beautiful. She is only 5 and has done nothing wrong to deserve any of this. (Btw because of the casework she now knows her father is being Charged as a pedophile, can you imagine a 5 yr old asking what that is, also that her father was arrested. They have put us through hell and back. We have done nothing to deserve this! Can you please help us!!!! Please!!!. My lawyer and I have jumped through hoops and it never seems enough.

  7. f says:

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